Pile of tires

There are multiple types of tires on the market for almost every car, truck, or SUV. The type of tire you want depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you drive. Here’s a short rundown of common street tires that’ll suit your needs.

car broke down calling for help

Repairs are costly and we all want to avoid them including our team here at Westerville Automotive!  It's our job and we take it seriously.  Here, it is all about keeping your car or truck serviced and looking for problems "before" they happen to avoid those high repair costs and ensuring you avoid any breakdowns when it's hot outside or cold outside as either is a problem for our Westerville drivers!  Nobody can forsee a flat tire or blowout due to running over a nail, but we can avoid some of the regular issues we see all the time such as....


If you drive a Jaguar, BMW, Land Rover, Porsche, Subaru, or other luxury or performance vehicle, the last thing you want to do is start your engine to be met with the sound of a screeching drive belt. Fortunately, we at Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH have you covered.

corrosive battery in car image

When you are having trouble with your car or truck starting and you open the hood up to take a peek to see this....you'll see what an overly corroded battery looks like. This happens naturally over time on vehicle battery terminals.  If you are like 99% of normal Westerville drivers, you don't check your oil or your battery so you don't keep an eye on the amount of corrosion that's building up on your car or truck battery.  Here at Westerville Automotive, we do and there are solvents that we can use here in the shop during a battery maintenance service that will help slow the corrosion process but nothing that can prevent it 100%. Way before it gets to this point, we will be suggesting you consider replacing the battery. 

Lady with car hood up - steam rising

Sometimes it is EASY to see if your car or truck needs to come into our shop for professional repairs! 
1.  You see steam rising from the engine!
2.  The Check Engine Light is on!
3.  The engine starts, but there is an odor that is not right.
4.  You hear grinding or thumping noises.

GM 8.5 Right drive axle diffferential Jasper Engines

Do you hear a funny clicking sound when you turn the wheels of your vehicle? It could be your car or truck's CV or Drive Axle, and it may be in need of repair. Safety is the number one priority for our customers here at Westerville Automotive, and it is our goal to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Driving around with a damaged CV Joint or Drive Axle problem can be extremely dangerous. The axle is a structural component that bears the weight of the vehicle, any cargo, and the acceleration forces between you and the ground. It is so important to have your vehicle inspected regularly by a trained automotive repair professional here at Westerville Automotive to ensure its safety.

transmission inside gears view

Prevention is better than cure. You've probably heard that said plenty of times. The phrase is most often used to talk about health and medicine, but it is just as valid to apply it to vehicles. It's great if your problem can be sorted without much trouble, but even better not to have a problem in the first place. This is especially true when it comes to your vehicle's transmission, as this can be one of the more specialized parts to repair. Not all transmission problems require an extensive overhaul, but they will all cause at least some trouble and inconvenience. Avoiding transmission problems is clearly preferable to even the problems that are quickest and cheapest repair. This is why it is important to ensure you take good care of your transmission. This will help prevent problems and keep it working smoothly. Ideally, it will mean that it doesn't develop any faults at all. Even if it does eventually go wrong, however, it is entirely possible that good care will mean the fault is less serious and easier to repair than it would have been otherwise. Here's some insight on how to prevent problems from our team here at Westerville Automotive. 

transmission view cutout

Your transmission suddenly isn’t shifting right. So what’s wrong with it? Do you need your transmission rebuilt? To find out what’s causing your transmission problem, one of our technicians here at Westerville Automotive is going to have to perform a series of tests. Basically, these tests are designed to answer the simple question: “Is it inside or outside?” That is, is the problem inside the transmission, or in one of the many control systems that operate the transmission?

  • Jasper
  • Aaa
  • Ase Master
  • Napaservcice
  • NAPA AutoCare Center
  • Acdelco
  • Asa
  • BBB
  • Be Car Care Aware
  • BF Goodrich
  • Bridgestone Firestone
  • Cooper Tires
  • Customer Savings
  • Fleet Services
  • Goodyear
  • Michelin
  • Motorcraft Parts
  • State Inspection
  • Synchrony
  • Tires
  • Valvoline
  • Honor Flight

5591 Westerville Rd
| Westerville, OH

(614) 890-0707
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

31 E Main St
| Westerville, OH

(614) 890-6700
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM