Nobody - I mean nobody wants a high repair bill. Ever! So why ignore the easy things like filters and fluids? Here at Westerville Automotive our Westerville drivers know that their car and truck’s filters are important to the longevity of that vehicle as well as the interior comfort. Maximize your car investment by replacing filters regularly. The oil filter traps contaminants, allowing the oil to flow through the engine unrestricted. The fuel filter separates harmful contaminants that may cause problems with carburetors or intricate fuel injectors. The air filter traps dirt particles, which can cause damage to engine cylinders, walls, pistons and piston rings. The air filter also plays a role in keeping contaminants off the airflow sensor (in fuel-injected cars). The cabin filter helps trap pollen, bacteria and dust that may find their way into a car’s ventilation system. Keeping the filters and fluids changed regularly is simply a win-win solution!
Every vehicle - whether new or old - must receive regular maintenance to keep running at peak performance. Check to see if your vehicle may be over-due for a 3,500-mile, 7,500-mile, 15,000-mile, 30,000-mile, 60,000-mile or 90,000-mile service. Westerville Automotive in Westerville would like to share with you the following suggested guidleines for routine maintenance. If you have any questions, or would like us to give you a hand, call or come by Westerville Automotive today.
A light on the dash that doesn't say - washer fluid is low immediately panics you right? It can happen when you don't keep up with standard maintenance and with older vehicles you see it due to the age of the vehicle, however here at Westerville Automotive in Westerville we like to keep you driving happy and listening to your favorite songs or talking to friends and family worry-free! Here are some quick tips and hard lines in the sand that you do not need to ignore.
FIRST TIP: Do not ignore a warning light. However, first line of defense is to stop the vehicle as soon as it is safe and then turn the engine off - wait a few minutes then turn it back on. If the light is still there - get your manual out to see what the light means (or Google it).
We all love the sunshine but getting into that HOT car isn't always so wonderful even when you have remote start it will take the breathe out of you when the temperatures are soaring. Makes you want to pack your lunch instead of meeting friends for lunch! We decided that you should meet friends for lunch! So we got together and found some quick ideas for you. It isn't much but enjoy the sunshine on us here at Westerville Automotive here in Westerville! Call it our fun day fact!
Easiest Fix By Far......Sunshade. Buy one for the front window and they how have them available for the sides and back windows! It reflects the sun's rays away from the interior of your car or truck keeping the heat level down and bonus feature is that it will help keep your interior looking great longer so you will stay in love with your car or truck longer "plus" it is easy to pack away in seconds out of sight!
Quality service, trustworthy staff and reasonable rates. - Debbi B.
It's only important when it doesn't work! Automotive air conditioning or, AC as it's commonly called, is a component that most Westerville drivers only worry about when the temperatures get above 80 degrees. Here at Westerville Automotive when it is HOT outside we want to be sure you are COOL inside while driving your car or truck! We are seeing more and more vehicles in to have their AC serviced and checked which would be fine, however, what we are also seeing are many AC repair costs that could have been avoided with earlier maintenance and we want to keep costs DOWN for our drivers.
Recharging your vehicles AC is a normal maintenance kind of like topping off your oil. Some people think it's not necessary but we at Westerville Automotive know that maintaining your AC is a great way to watch for leaks and prevent missing a leak or issue that may cause need for an expensive repair. A full AC service would include draining all of the old refrigerant and putting in all new refrigerant. The name of the brand most commonly used is Freon. There are older versions like the R-12 and CFC12 and the newer types like R-134a and HFC-134a. There is a process and a very expensive machine that is used to test and service a cooling system. Hence the reason it's not cheap and people don’t always maintain their units in this area. If your AC isn't working or you would like to simply have it recharged, give us a call at Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH where our customers ALWAYS come first!
Car enthusiasts would argue that "those were the days". Everything you drove was built like a tank and had the chrome on it so you enjoyed washing it but NO power steering. For most of us, it is hard to remember life without power steering – cranking those great big steering wheels? It was a pretty good workout. Now power steering is standard. The heart of any power steering system is its pump. The pump pressurizes the power steering fluid that provides assist for steering. Most pumps are driven by a belt that is run by the engine – a few are electrically powered. A high-pressure hose passes fluid from the pump to the steering gear. A low pressure hose returns the fluid back to the pump. Here at Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH we know that you depend on that power steering and check your fluid & hoses religiously!
Having your vehicle serviced regularly by a reputable shop can uncover issues that can leave you stranded on the side of the road. Here at Westerville Automotive in Westerville we've been in business for many years and as a reputable business with highly trained technicians that can alert you to problems that can save you from your vehicle breaking down. It's never good news, but something you need to be aware of so you can make a decision on weather or not to address the problem your vehicle has.
SAFETY, shouldn't be taken lightly and you will find here at our shop in Westerville that we don't like to charge you for unnecessary items. We do look at your travel plans and the weather so that we can make wise decisions that will ensure you can keep costs down and your vehicle will be dependable in every situation you need to put it in. We all have places to be and have lots of things to do so let's think safety first and be proactive in your vehicle maintenance keeping you right on the road instead of on the side of the road. Trust the professionals here at Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH to make sure you stay safe!
5591 Westerville Rd
| Westerville, OH
(614) 890-0707
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
31 E Main St
| Westerville, OH
(614) 890-6700
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM