Car Repair

  • Brake For Great Service

    brake repair

    Brakes are one of the most important components of your vehicle. You need the confidence of knowing that when you press your foot to the brake, your vehicle is going to stop. That's why it's important to keep these tips in mind to help keep your brakes functioning properly. Schedule an appointment with us at Westerville Automotive for a brake service checkup today!

  • Bumper Cover Damaged Or Loose?

    bumper on a white car with lights on

    Your bumper covers are always in danger. Between other drivers, obstacles in the road, flash floods, or any other hazard you may encounter, at some point it’s likely your bumper covers will accrue some damage. At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH, we can fix that.

  • Can’t shift out of Park?

    There may come a day when you go to shift your vehicle out of “Park”, and the shifter refuses to move. Perhaps you are already experiencing this issue intermittently, or currently have a vehicle stuck in park. While this is a serious inconvenience, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a serious problem; let Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH put your mind at ease.

  • Common Mistakes That Ruin Transmissions

    mechanic talking to a customer

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we see a lot of the same mistakes that cause a transmission to fail. With our help, you can avoid a preventable transmission failure and keep your car reliably on the road.

  • Coolant Flushing to prepare for the cold weather

    coolant being poured into the car

    Whether you drive a BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche (some exclusions apply), Subaru, or other performance automobiles, your car has a cooling system. With winter right around the corner, at Westerville Automotive we want to make sure your cooling system is ready for the cold.

  • Customer Service is Our Top Priority

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    In the automotive business, the customer is just as important as the vehicle and the customer service is just as important as the auto repair. That is why at Westerville Automotive, we strive to provide only the best customer service to our clients.

  • Do you have a bad spark plug?

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    Spark plugs have been around since the beginning, and play as important a role now as they did a hundred years ago. It’s a good idea to replace them as a set at regular intervals, but sometimes one will go bad sooner than the rest for one reason or another. How do you know if you have a bad spark plug? Here are some indicators, from Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH.

  • Do You Need A New Flex Plate?

    car driving

    What does a flex plate do, and how do you know if yours is faulty? Your vehicle may be telling you things you may not know. Westerville Automotive in Westerville has the answers you need.

  • Do You Smell One Of These Smells? It's Time To Bring Your Car In.

    girl smelling vents

    If you’ve owned a vehicle long, particularly one with a few miles on it, you have probably encountered a peculiar smell that grabbed your attention. Scents that you encounter while driving (emanating from your vehicle, not the horse farm down the road) are indicators of your vehicle's health and often the first warning that something may be wrong. Westerville Automotive in Westerville has assembled this list to prepare for you for the next time you smell something odd, so you’ll know what’s going on next time you notice a funny smell.

  • ECU problems and reprogramming


    If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle made by manufacturers like BMW, Mercedes, Subaru, Land Rover, Porsche, etc., you’re probably no stranger to state of the art electronics, sensors, and control systems. At Westerville Automotive, our technicians have the right knowledge, ability, and equipment necessary to keep your car or SUV in top-notch condition.

  • Experiencing A Loud Radiator Fan?

    mechanic working on radiator fan

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we know how irritating an issue with your car, truck, or SUV can be, even if it doesn’t immediately affect your vehicle’s performance. One such problematic issue, the excessively loud radiator cooling fan, is a common plague many automobile owners will experience.

  • Gas Cap Malfunctions? Yes, It's A Thing

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    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we know that some of the most elusive issues with any car, truck, or SUV are often caused by the simplest of malfunctions. While you might consider a gas cap fairly innocuous, it can actually malfunction too, prompting a check engine light on your dashboard.

  • Gas Mileage and How To Increase It


    Good gas mileage is something we all want. In fact, many drivers purchase certain cars solely for gas mileage, and almost all of us at least take it into consideration when purchasing a vehicle. While it is true that gas mileage is by and large determined simply by the type of car, there are actually a variety of things you can do to increase the gas mileage of any automobile. The tips Westerville Automotive in Westerville want to provide you here are simple and effective steps you can take to increase your gas mileage, often more considerably than you think.

  • Have you checked your battery? If it looks like this - It's bad!

    bad battery

    When you are having trouble with your car or truck starting and you open the hood up to take a peek to see'll see what an overly corroded battery looks like. This happens naturally over time on vehicle battery terminals.  If you are like 99% of normal Westerville drivers, you don't check your oil or your battery so you don't keep an eye on the amount of corrosion that's building up on your car or truck battery.  Here at Westerville Automotive, we do and there are solvents that we can use here in the shop during a battery maintenance service that will help slow the corrosion process but nothing that can prevent it 100%. Way before it gets to this point, we will be suggesting you consider replacing the battery. 

  • Have you checked your battery? If it looks like this - It's bad!

    corrosive battery in car image

    When you are having trouble with your car or truck starting and you open the hood up to take a peek to see'll see what an overly corroded battery looks like. This happens naturally over time on vehicle battery terminals.  If you are like 99% of normal Westerville drivers, you don't check your oil or your battery so you don't keep an eye on the amount of corrosion that's building up on your car or truck battery.  Here at Westerville Automotive, we do and there are solvents that we can use here in the shop during a battery maintenance service that will help slow the corrosion process but nothing that can prevent it 100%. Way before it gets to this point, we will be suggesting you consider replacing the battery. 

  • Hot Car - Suggestions to Cool it Down

    cars parked under tree

    We all love the sunshine but getting into that HOT car isn't always so wonderful even when you have a remote start it will take the breath out of you when the temperatures are soaring. Makes you want to pack your lunch instead of meeting friends for lunch! We decided that you should meet friends for lunch! So we got together and found some quick ideas for you. It isn't much but enjoy the sunshine on us here at Westerville Automotive here in Westerville! Call it our fun day fact!

  • How Do I Fix My Manual Transmission Problem?

    mechanic working on car

    Manual transmissions are generally more reliable than automatic transmissions. They don’t have as many parts, aren’t as complex, and can take a lot more abuse. However, if an issue is allowed to persist, more and more damage to surrounding components on your manual transmission will occur. Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH can help you take care of your car as soon as you notice a problem.

  • How Do I Know Whether To Replace My Engine?

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    If your car, truck or SUV is experiencing major engine issues, the technicians at Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH have you covered. You hear the engine knocking when it decides to start? Is there smoke pouring from your truck’s exhaust pipe? Whether you’re burning oil, your engine is on it’s last leg or has simply given up altogether, we can help. And if you’re not sure what you need, we can help with that too.

  • How Important are Your Drive Belts?

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    Your drive belts run everything - your AC, power steering, alternator, and water pump are all dependent on the belts that turn them. At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, our goal is to keep your truck maintained, so you’re never stuck out on the road. Drive belts are a critical part of that goal.

  • How often does a transmission need to be repaired?

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    Whether you’ve never had any trouble out of your transmission, or you are all too familiar with transmission issues, you may wonder how often a transmission requires repair. In truth, it really just depends. There are hundreds of different transmissions, some more reliable than others, with different levels of stress demanded of them. Age, mileage, type, and usage are all aspects of the transmission condition.

  • Jasper
  • Aaa
  • Ase Master
  • Napaservcice
  • NAPA AutoCare Center
  • Acdelco
  • Asa
  • BBB
  • Be Car Care Aware
  • BF Goodrich
  • Bridgestone Firestone
  • Cooper Tires
  • Customer Savings
  • Fleet Services
  • Goodyear
  • Michelin
  • Motorcraft Parts
  • State Inspection
  • Synchrony
  • Tires
  • Valvoline
  • Honor Flight

5591 Westerville Rd
| Westerville, OH

(614) 890-0707
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

31 E Main St
| Westerville, OH

(614) 890-6700
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM